The next page will not only have an “Enable to Use” button, but will include a description of the exact grammar your service uses, so you probably want to take a moment to absorb it.(No, there is no option for Google Play Music. You’ll see logos for available services, including Apple Music, Spotify, Pandora, Deezer, Tidal, and Vevo, as well as streaming services including iHeartRadio, TuneIn,, and SiriusXM.You’ll see any services you’ve already installed, and an entry named “Link New Service.” Tap that. Scroll down to “Music” (in the section “Alexa Preferences”) and tap that.In the Alexa app, tap the menu icon at the top left of the screen, and then tap “Settings.”.
If you prefer Spotify, Apple Music, or another music service, it’s not all that hard to set it up and use it with your Amazon devices. As you might expect, Alexa-friendly devices tend to assume that you want to hear tunes from Amazon Music.